STI: Economic Information Repository

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Today, there is a wealth of economic information available from a wide range of organizations - but it is all scattered across the Internet. Since many of the reports and resources offer companies' compelling insight into different aspects of the economy that could directly impact their business operations, Synergos Technologies is gathering the most valuable information all in one place - on the STI: Economic Information Repository page of our website.

Most of the documents listed here are large volumes packed with economic facts, statistics, and commentary. They are published anywhere from quarterly to monthly. This webpage will be dynamic, with new information posted as it is discovered. STI's goal is to make this resource as informative and relevant to market researchers in the U.S. as possible.

The economic information currently available for download and viewing includes the following resources:

  • The Federal Reserve's Beige Book. The Federal Reserve System publishes the Beige Book eight times a year. Officially called the "Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions by Federal Reserve District," the book summarizes U.S. banking information collected from the 12 Federal Reserve District Banks. Each of the 12 Banks gathers anecdotal information on current economic conditions in its District through reports from bank and branch directors, and interviews with key business contacts, economists, market experts, and other sources. Topic headings cover a wide range of areas, such as consumer spending, manufacturing, and real estate and construction. This summary is prepared by designated Federal Reserve Banks on a rotating basis.
  • Manpower Employment Outlook Summary. This forward-looking quarterly survey examines the predicted hiring activities each quarter across 35 countries and territories. For example, for the first quarter 2010 summary, nearly 71,000 employers were interviewed to measure anticipated employment trends between January and March 2010. This summary is a trusted index for employment used by economists, journalists, university researchers, and think tanks. The report is published by Manpower, Inc., a world leader in the employment services industry.
  • National Association of Realtors' Metropolitan Median Price Report. NAR releases statistics on state-by-state existing-home sales and metropolitan area median home prices each quarter. The state existing-home sales report includes single-family houses, condos, and co-ops. The price report reflects sales prices of existing single-family homes by metropolitan statistical area (MSA).
  • The Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Survey®. A monthly survey of 5,000 consumers is conducted for The Conference Board by TNS, the world's largest custom research company. From this survey, The Conference Board creates the U.S. Consumer Confidence Index (CCI), an indicator designed to measure consumer confidence, which is defined as the degree of optimism on the state of the economy that consumers are expressing through their activities of savings and spending. Such measurement is indicative of the consumption component level of the gross domestic product (GDP). The Federal Reserve looks at the CCI when determining interest rate changes; the CCI also affects stock market prices.
  • Leading Economic Indicators. The U.S. Census Bureau posts regular updates of U.S. economic indicators. The Bureau currently maintains updates for 13 indicators, such as housing starts, retail merchant sales, international durable goods orders, and advance monthly sales for retail and food service. Available from April 1995 forward, this monthly compilation is prepared for the Joint Economic Committee by the Council of Economic Advisors, and provides economic information on prices, wages, production, business activity, purchasing power, credit, money, and federal finance.