STI: Newsletters - 2nd Quarter 2020

The Synergos Plan - Census 2020

Where has the decade gone? 10 years have flown by and we have arrived at the 2020 Census. The U.S. Census Bureau is working hard to count the population to collect data that will affect important decisions.

The team at Synergos Technologies is also working hard to incorporate this data into our line of STI products to maintain our status as your most accurate data provider. Follow the link to see The Syngeros Plan and how the 2020 Census will affect your data products.

New Variables in STI: PopStats™ and Other Updates

Have you been able to check out the Read Me file every release? There have been many updates and additions to STI: PopStats™ every quarter. We want to make sure you use your datasets to their full extents.

Here is a list of the most important additions and updates you need to know:

  • Religion Data - 25 new variables on religious affiliation! Check out the PopStats data dictionary for details.
  • ACS Transition - The latest release contains the transition from the 2017 ACS to the 2018 ACS. Although this transition did NOT add any new variables, it can highly impact the values/estimates of existing data variables. We recommend using caution in attempting to compare this release to previous releases.
  • Rent Data - A broad new category of estimated rent paid by unit type (studio to 3 bedrooms) by renter.
  • Social Security Data - data broken down by type of recipient
  • Level of Education - Level of education has been broken down into gender components for an Associate's Degree and higher.
  • 5 and 10-year forecast adjustment - We have adjusted the immigration component used in the creation of our 5-year forecast and 10-year projection methodology. Previously, we were using a very high-end forecast of immigration. We are now using a more reserved, but still on the higher end forecast. We believe this level fits with the migration trends we have reviewed and what is expected to occur given current data. As a result, comparing these forecasts to previous forecasts is not advisable. The forecasts that have seen the most change are in areas that receive a higher proportion of their growth due to international migration.

July 2020 Release - July is the month when we release all of our new variables. Be sure to check out your 'Read Me' file to see what new variables are in the dataset.

    A Sneak Peak Variable: Time series data for social security

Reach out to us on the chat if you want the full list of updates and additions from current and past releases!

STI: City Stories

Have you been following STI: City Stories on our socials? If not, check them out here: Our LinkedIn.

Every week, we are releasing a demographic, economic, and lifestyle report on the United States's largest cities. We use data from our different lines of product to visualize the differences that make each city great.

Custom STI: City Stories can be requested by chatting with us on the site. We will create a custom report for you as far down as a block group. So let us know what story you want to see!

Check out previously published city stories here:

PopStats 2020 Conference Content

PopStats 2020 was going to be the best conference yet. Unfortunately, we were unable to host all of you here in Austin. Even with unprecedented times, we don't want to keep the conversations silent.

The Syenrgos Technologies team will be releasing content that was planned for the conference by the end of the year! Make sure you follow us on our social media to see sneak peeks and catch the moment when we release our videos.

Content Preview:

  • Robert Welch - President: Top 50 Report, Religion Data...
  • Kyle Day - Director of Data Products: Geospatial Mapping...
  • Dale Honeycutt - Manager of Customer Service: Continued Customer Success...

We can't wait for PopStats 2021! Keep a lookout for an upcoming survey where Synergos Technologies will ask you what you want from next year's conference.